20 Temmuz 2015 Pazartesi

Gender role beliefs (Kerr and Holden, 1966)

Gender role beliefs were assessed using the Gender Role Beliefs Scale (GRBS; Kerr and Holden 1996). The scale contains 20 items (e.g., “The initiative in courtship should usually come from the man”) about traditional gender role expectations (1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree). Higher scores indicate more traditional attitudes. The scale had acceptable reliability for both the Chilean (α=.88) and American (α=.89) samples.

Brown, M. J., & Gladstone, N. (2012). Development of a Short Version of the Gender Role Beliefs Scale. International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences2(5), 154-158.


10-items GRBS

5. The husband should be regarded as the legal representative of the family group in all matters of law. (11) .859 - .801 - .825 - 9. Women should be concerned with their duties of childbearing and housetending, rather than with the desires for professional and business careers. (18) .606 - .806 - .729 - 8. It is ridiculous for a woman to run a train and a man to sew clothes. (16) .503 - .778 - .667 - 3. Women should have as much sexual freedom as men. (7)R .462 - .588 - .564 4. Women with children should not work outside the home if they don’t have to financially. (9) .434 - .539 - .527 - 1. It is disrespectful to swear in the presence of a lady. (1) - .441 - .778 - .650 10. Swearing and obscenity is more repulsive in the speech of a woman than a man. (19) - .514 - .634 - .626 6. Except perhaps in very special circumstances, a man should never allow a woman to pay the taxi, buy the tickets, or pay the check. (13) - .674 - .687 - .611 2. The initiative in courtship should usually come from the man. (4) - .685 - .550 - .591 7. Men should continue to show courtesies to women such as holding open the door or helping them on with their coats. (15)

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