19 Şubat 2015 Perşembe

Disgust and having a Turkish nationality/passport

Can we do a study about feelings of disgust and having a Turkish nationality? 

So this is the basic design:

We get participants living in the UK who have 1) EU nationality and passport, 2)  nationality/passport of a Muslim country (a quasi-IV: EU vs. Muslim passport holders).

Manipulation: We give them a scenario where the British border official in some London airport treats them badly, exercising power on them, with signs of racism, etc.

Moderator measure: national identification (high vs. low) 

Self-report measures of 
feelings of disgust and anger towards their country of origin
feelings of disgust and anger towards the racist border official
feelings of belonging to the UK 
feelings of belonging to their country of origin

1) Low identifiers (vs. high identifiers) will feel more disgusted and angry towards their country of origin as a result of bad/racist treatment from the border officials, while feeling less disgust/angry at the border official
2) This will happen much strongly for low identifiers of a Muslim nation compared to low identifiers of a EU nation

Club assistant manager Recep Kilic said he was distressed by the attacks. "The people who planted the bombs are not human and if they are Turkish, I do not accept them as Turkish," Mr Kilic said.

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