20 Mayıs 2015 Çarşamba


Further work, however, needs to be done to examine some unanswered questions. For example, the question of whether masculine and feminine honor represent gender-specific applications of moral codes could be examined more directly, by asking questions about behavior appropriate to men and women and its impact on the honor of another person who is male or female.

Roger sunu demek istedi, masculine ve feminine honour measure'larindaki honour item'lari cok gucsuz kaliyor ve bu honour'i beliefs'e indiriyor, Honour'in specifik, 3-5 konseptten olusmus beliefs ve values'a indirgenmesi dogru mu? Her onur kulturunde, hangi moral normlar veya degerler onemliyse o degerler honourable olmuyor mu? Yani honour her kulturde var, ama hem honour'in derecesi degisiyor hem de neyin honourable oldugu kulturlere gore degisiyor.

To be more specific, what is feminine and masculine honour? What kinds of personality traits/behaviors would damage a man's or woman's reputation/honour in a society? What damages one's honour?

Do people perceive a man/woman who violates gendered conventions (STUDY 1), gender roles, other personality traits and behaviors that are associated with masculinity and femininity (such as wearing a skirt for males, straightening hair for males, etc.) as dishonorable?

So dishonourable for what? For breaking the rules, conventions, gender roles?
And what happens, are they perceived as having an immoral character? (ahlaksiz karakter) Do the behavior is condemned (ayiplamak)?

What would happen if a man/woman has the reputation of wearing a skirt to work, but he is not sterile, he is assertive, has the guts to respond with aggression when someone steals from him...is this person perceived as someone having honour? Or not? If not, it seems that the honour scales are not working well.

Honour is a multifaceted construct 
- it is associated to public reputation, people defend it vigorously
- it extends to the family/community
- includes some unique concepts like retaliation norms, integrity, morality

How gendered is masculine and feminine honour?
Much much men should be that way and how much women should be this way?

In the first study you look at purely conventional ways - gender appearance norms
We should also look at behavioral/personality traits to see which gender roles are related to masculine and feminine honour.

For instance show a scenario of a woman who acts/looks very feminine but also very assertive/tough, or a macho looking/acting man who is very caring.
Both men and women should be equally concerned about sexual assertiveness - to see the double standard???
To what extent is adhering to masc/feminine honour is about conventions, behavioral traits, personality traits?

Look at the concepts of masculine and feminine honor and dig into them and take these concepts and create scenarios. There should be not much difference in men and women in masculine honour.

Separate the concepts from sexuality. Take retaliation norms for instance. Or both women and men care about reproducing children for instance. Some masculine honour concerns are unisex concerns.

patriarchal society vs. macho society vs. peasant culture (where women are more dominant)

In such environments, reputation becomes a valued commodity because it can be used to ward off threats. Men who are willing to defend their interests at the faintest hint of disrespect are unlikely to accept mistreatment without a fight and, therefore, should be publically recognized as individuals who cannot easily be taken advantage of.

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