Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI)
This scale assesses levels of both hostile and benevolent
sexism (Glick and Fiske 1996). A sample item from the
hostile sexism subscale is “Feminists are seeking for women
to have more power than men.” A sample item from the
benevolent sexism subscale is “Many women have a quality
of purity that few men possess.” A 6-point scale ranging
from 1 (disagree strongly) to 6 (agree strongly) was used to
assess participants’ responses, and scale scores were calculated
by averaging participants’ responses. Both subscales
had acceptable internal consistency reliability in the present
study with Cronbach’s alphas of .91 and .83, respectively.
Shepherd, M., Erchull, M. J., Rosner, A., Taubenberger, L., Queen, E. F., & McKee, J. (2011). “I’ll get that for you”: The relationship between benevolent sexism and body self-perceptions. Sex Roles, 64(1-2), 1-8.
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