19 Şubat 2015 Perşembe

Disgust and having a Turkish nationality/passport

Can we do a study about feelings of disgust and having a Turkish nationality? 

So this is the basic design:

We get participants living in the UK who have 1) EU nationality and passport, 2)  nationality/passport of a Muslim country (a quasi-IV: EU vs. Muslim passport holders).

Manipulation: We give them a scenario where the British border official in some London airport treats them badly, exercising power on them, with signs of racism, etc.

Moderator measure: national identification (high vs. low) 

Self-report measures of 
feelings of disgust and anger towards their country of origin
feelings of disgust and anger towards the racist border official
feelings of belonging to the UK 
feelings of belonging to their country of origin

1) Low identifiers (vs. high identifiers) will feel more disgusted and angry towards their country of origin as a result of bad/racist treatment from the border officials, while feeling less disgust/angry at the border official
2) This will happen much strongly for low identifiers of a Muslim nation compared to low identifiers of a EU nation

Club assistant manager Recep Kilic said he was distressed by the attacks. "The people who planted the bombs are not human and if they are Turkish, I do not accept them as Turkish," Mr Kilic said.

9 Şubat 2015 Pazartesi

Ideas for a study on honour - Do successful women pose a threat to men's honour? Do men choose successful women as romantic partners?

Hyp: Do successful women (those with higher salaries and more prestigious positions) potentially pose a threat to men's honour?

Does this affect men's (endorsing high vs. low honour norms) preferences for choosing these women as potential romantic partners (girlfriends or wifes - marriage)?

Manipulation of Honor Threat: 
Break men's honour (by a scenarios or writing tasks) and see whether they affirm their honour by 
a) choosing more feminine/masculine women as potential mates  (ask what kind of women do you prefer for a girlfriend?), 
b) choosing masculine self-presentations (meat vs. veggies OR beer vs. wine), 

basically do they confirm more to the society's understanding for femininity and masculinity. 

Give the Ps the honour scales 2 weeks prior to the lab. Call hetero dating couples to lab. Break  Using a male confederate, attack the male P's masculinity/honour by complementing his gf or subtly flirt with her near him (what a nice dress/it's good that beautiful girls like you come into the lab, etc.) and measure their stress/frustration levels by self-report questionnaire or by physiological measurements

Covariates (Control Variables) used in Honour Research

- Religiousity or religious affiliation
- Social Dominance Orientation
- Impression management
- Ambivalent sexism
- Poverty

8 Şubat 2015 Pazar

some expressions for my chapter

- masculine and feminine self-presentation

- humans learn behaviour considered gender appropriate in society.

- women are supposed to be obedient toward their husbands and other men in the family.

- According to a study (Fernandez, 1997), when there is family violence, older women often align themselves against, rather than with, younger women who marry into their families. Fernandez (1997) said that unlike the typical domestic violence scenario in the Western world, which usually involves a lone man battering a lone woman, in India often a mother-in-law or sister-in-law contributes to the violence perpetrated by men against women. (from MUDITA RASTOGI and PAUL THERLY, DOWRY AND ITS LINK TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IN INDIA).

- Feminist theory (Fernandez, 1997) explains violence as a consequence of the social roles of husband-wife and the legitimized social norms of male domination of resources, institutionalized gender inequalities, and consequent perceived male entitlement to controlling the lives of women.

- This section looks at women’s and men’s roles in perpetuating and continuing abuse.

- Kakar (1988) provided an explanation for the low self-esteem of women in a patriarchal society. He said that because of the differential treatment of sexes “girls and women in a dramatically patriarchal society will turn the aggression against themselves and transform the cultural devaluation into feelings of worthlessness and inferiority” (p. 48). Another cause for pathology, according to Kakar (1988), is the social training of young women: Late childhood marks the beginning of an Indian girl’s deliberate training in how to be a good woman, and hence the conscious inculcation of culturally designated feminine roles. She learns that the “virtues” of womanhood which will take her through life are submission and docility as well as skill and grace in the various household tasks. (p. 51)

- experiments on the interpersonal dynamics of the US culture of honor
included college students who were raised in either the North or the South (Cohen, Nisbett,
Bowdle & Schwarz, 1996). When bumped and insulted by a confederate, southern males
responded with higher levels of stress (as indicated by an increase in cortisol), were more likely
to perceive that their masculinity had been threatened, were visibly more upset by the

- southerners were (a) more likely to think their masculine reputation was threatened

5 Şubat 2015 Perşembe

Literature Review 1

Gender-specific honour codes - Masculine and Feminine Honour

In the last half century, social psychological, anthropological and historical literature has documented that honour codes manifest themselves in gendered terms (Peristiany, Gilmour, etc.). That is, being honorable (having esteem, respect, prestige, and moral reputation) requires men and women to achieve their gender-specific goals. For instance, Gilmour (1990) describes the men from the Circum-Mediterranean region, typically equipped with a culture of honor, "men who are deeply committed to an image of manliness because it is part of their personal honour and reputation" (p., 30). As such, "honor" may be operating as a strong but subtle cultural force which leads men and women to display and retain their masculinity and femininity, and thus makes gender stereotypes, sexism and heterosexism more resistant to be challenged in these societies.

Vast amount of research addressed the relationship of honour with many of the pervasive gender problems of our society. For instance, the most atrocious among these is "honour killing", which is the homicide of a member of a family (usually a female) due to the perpetrator's belief that the victim has brought dishonour and shame upon the family by refusing to enter an arranged marriage, being in relationships that are disapproved by the family or engaging in extramarital sexual acts. Killing the victim is believed to clean the dishonour. CITE AMMAN - JORDAN, & OTHER HONOR KILLING RESEARCH HERE.

Cross-cultural research comparing individuals from honour vs. non-honour cultures has shown that Spanish participants showed more traditional sex-role attitudes with regards to marriage and sexuality than Dutch participants  (Rodriguez-Mosquera, 1999). Researchers also demonstrated that honour beliefs are linked to ambivalent sexism, domestic violence against women and legitimization of male violence.

"Masculinity and Male Codes of Honor in Modern France" by Robert A. Nye

Honour now refers to "sentiment one has of one's moral dignity as it depends on the consideration of others"

Honte (shame) is not merely the absence of honour, its negation, but a quality in itself by considerably salience, invitating "disdain, scorn, mockery, dishonour,... indignation". It is a bitter sentiment of weakness, indignity, baseness according to one's own conscious and in the eyes of others.

Honour is not only a sentiment, but a quality that inhered in individuals, but also radiated out from them, producing signs that could be read by those who knew the code.

challenging patriarchy - is it a threat to men's honor?

 You could potentially look at successful women (women earning more than men - upwardly mobile women) as an honour attack to men in honour cultures and see if consequently they engage in more masculine behaviours.

How honour threatening is it to challenge gender roles and gendered expectations?

Men in childcare roles - how much does it threaten women's and men's honor?
Women in breadwinning roles - how much does it threaten women's and men's honor?