22 Ocak 2018 Pazartesi

Quick Study: Honor, Mate Preferences, Relationship Satisfaction -- Journal of Social and Personal Relationships

The more I desire X in choosing a mate, the more I would feel dissatisfied if my mate did not have X.

- Honor endorsement predicts certain mate preferences for men and women
- When the influence of traditionalism is partialed out, honor endorsement still predict certain mate preferences for men and women

Now, these mate preferences may be integral to relationship happiness, satisfaction, relationship longevity and love among men and women who endorse honor values.

The more I endorse honor, the more I desire chastity in choosing a mate. -->  The more I endorse honor, the more dissatisfied I would be in my relationship if my mate was not chaste.
But if I don't endorse honor, I won't desire chastity in choosing a mate that much, and my relationship satisfaction will not be effected by my mate not being chaste.

Ask each item in Mate preferences one by one:

Please evaluate the following factor in choosing a mate.
Use this scale for rating:
- 2 = very undesirable
-1 = somewhat undesirable
0 = inconsequential/neutral
+1 = somewhat desirable
+2 = very desirable

Chastity (no previous experience in sexual intercourse)

Now imagine that you are in a relationship with a woman/man who is not chaste (has previous experience in sexual intercourse). Use 7-point rating scales:

How satisfied would you be in your relationship with him/her?
How happy would you be in your relationship with him/her?
How much would you be able to love for her?
To what extend would you like to marry her?
How long would your relationship with him/her last?

Check and Include Mate-Guarding too!

Conduct this study in Turkey vs. UK ---> I think this would be better.
or in Norther US (Iowa) vs. Southern US (Ask Ceren).

21 Ocak 2018 Pazar

WEIRD people reference


"First, we all study samples embedded in a particular socio-cultural context. Most samples we collect are “WEIRD,” consisting largely of white American middle-class college students who it turns out are not psychologically representative of humanity (Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan, 2010)."

Henrich, J., Heine, S.J., & Norenzayan, A. (2010). The weirdest people in the world? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33, 62–135. doi:10.1017/S0140525X0999152X

18 Ocak 2018 Perşembe

17 Ocak 2018 Çarşamba