Pitting the Homophobia as Disease-Avoidance vs. Homophobia as Reputation-Maintenance
-- Masculinity concerns would predict bias against gay men more than disgust sensitivity (Tom's nazi study may help disagreeing with Neuberg's Disease-Spread Lay Model for Understanding Anti-Gay Behaviors showing that a reputation management account for moral contagion effects - moral disgust is not real disgust).
21 Haziran 2017 Çarşamba
STUDY IDEA - Positive and negative contempt feelings (with Tom)
Positive and negative valence of contempt - contempt may make you feel bad if you feel it for someone who you want to be close to such as your mate because it comes from feeling their mate's value is not as good, but it makes you feel good if you are not close to this person or try to be close, you would feel superior to them.
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