Would people from honor cultures (Turks, who endorse higher on honor values scale) be less tolerant and less forgiving of individuals who commits a relational transgression (romantic cheating or talking behind a friend's back) than people from non-honor cultures (Dutch/German/British).
Would they feel more shame and anger (that someone has done this to them)?
Would they attribute more immorality to their character? (even though the attribution of immorality to the behavior-cheating may be the same across honor vs. non-honor cultures).
Mediator: Would this be explained by higher importance given on maintaining moral reputation/social image in honor culture?
-- if a man/woman's partner cheats them with someone else, ppts from honor cultures should be more likely to break up, take revenge and not remain friends?
Comparison of the moral transgression scenario can be with a non-moral/norm transgression (keeping).