21 Haziran 2019 Cuma

LinkedIn Profiles of a Data Scientist for PhD in Psychology

https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisamariepritchett/ ----> Girl from Toronto, who has a PhD in psychology who is now a Data Scientist at Uberflip. She has a certificate in Machine Learning by Stanford University from Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/verify/Y2RKB4TSEU6S

She attended in bootcamp in Data Science (WeCloudData)
A 12-week bootcamp helped me gain confidence in my skills. I became a better programmer in Python, learned SQL, and Big Data technologies.

Data Science Specialization, Johns Hopkins University and Coursera
Course nameFactor Analysis at MTSU
Course nameIntro to Computer Science by Udacity
Course nameIntro to Python for Data Science by DataCamp
Course nameMachine Learning by Stanford University on Coursera
Course nameMultivariate Statistical Analysis at MTSU
Course namePrinciples of Neural Coding at York University
Course nameProbability and Statistics, Highschool AP
Course nameSQL Bolt
Course nameUnivariate & Multivariate Statistics for Behavioral Sciences at MTSU

Her LinkedIn profile: Data Science is my passion. Writing Spark code makes me happy. Exploring data is my thing. Statistics is my old friend. Math is sexy. Machine Learning is changing the world. These are a few things of the things I know.

And what she wrote as part of her PhD tasks and responsibilities:
York University
Total Duration6 yrs 10 mos
TitleDoctoral Student Researcher
Dates EmployedSep 2009 – Jun 2016
Employment Duration6 yrs 10 mos
LocationToronto, Canada Area
Designed and Carried out dozens of experiments about Human Sensory Perception. Gathered and processed raw data from human and machine system. Analyzed data using Matlab, SPSS, R, SAS, and Excel. Programmed experimental protocols using Matlab. Applied Machine Learning algorithms to gain insights into human perceptual processes. Set up and used experimental apparatus including 3D-motion capture system, gaze tracker, LEDs, loudspeakers, and tactors. Supervised 2 undergraduates carrying out thesis research in the lab. Co-authored 6 scientific journal articles, 3 as first author. Presented 1 talk and 15 posters at international research conferences.
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TitleTeaching Assistant in Thesis Research Course
Dates EmployedSep 2012 – Aug 2015
Employment Duration3 yrs
LocationToronto, Canada
Primary supervisor to dozens of undergraduate students every semester. Taught and evaluated students on the research process including literature review, defining hypotheses, creating research materials, collecting, entering, and analyzing data in SPSS, and writing and presenting results. Led teams to design and carry out research including survey data collection. Assured projects were completed under strict deadlines.

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TitleTeaching Assistant in Statistics, Research Methods, and Neuroscience
Dates EmployedSep 2009 – Aug 2012
Employment Duration3 yrs
LocationToronto, Canada Area
Guest lectured in Research Methods and Sensation and Perception courses. Lead tutorials on Statistics and data analysis using SPSS. Communicated with students regarding questions and concerns efficiently. Evaluated assignments and exams under strict deadlines. Maintained records of assignment and test scores.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/joana-katter/ ---> Girl from Toronto, who has a PhD in psychology who is now a Behavioral Scientist

https://www.linkedin.com/in/seren-soner-2995882b/ -->  this guy has an EdX certificate for Python for data science from UC San Diego. https://www.edx.org/course

https://www.linkedin.com/in/williampitz/ ---> this is the Dutch/British guy who did his Master's at Kent. Who also worked in TentamenTrainingen.nl