9 Aralık 2022 Cuma

Free Online Text Analysis and Systematic Literature Review Tools



This is like NVivo but free and online. Fatma Guneri (Rakibe'nin) collegue'i soyledi. 

Systematic Literature Review tools. Bunlari Fulya ve Tolga ve Jesse kullanmislar:



23 Kasım 2022 Çarşamba

Example of Benevolent Sexism? Iranian national football team not singing the national anthem


An interesting thing for honour is Iran at the moment of course. And something interesting happed yesterday in their match with England.. the Iranian men refused to sing their national anthem as a protest. Quite a big deal as they may get in trouble. Interesting to see that Iranian men can do such a thing for women.

15 Ağustos 2020 Cumartesi

My more evoluationary and gender relations related profile

I have conducted research into the effects of culture, reputation threat, gender norms, and political decision making mechanisms on people's behavior. 

My recent research interests focus on identifying the cultural and motivational forces that drive conflict and cooperation between the sexes, and the evolution and maintanence of cultural norms related to gender relations. I approach these topics with a combination of perspectives from social, cultural, and evolutionary psychology, using experimental and survey methodology. The knowledge gained from this research has several implications for well-being, justice, and equality at the domestic and professional settings. 

2 Mart 2020 Pazartesi

Reasons for including a perceived social norms measure!

This is from Oyserman, D. (2017). Culture three ways: Culture and subcultures within countries. Annual review of psychology68, 435-463:

Knowing what is normative or valued in one’s society provides an interpretive lens through which to understand experiences with others and what is likely or expected in social interchange (Fiske & Taylor 2013). In this way, core themes influence perception and experience regardless of whether one personally endorses them (Zou et al. 2009) and whether most people actually endorse that theme. Therefore, a theme may be perceived as core long after it no longer is, or even if it never was, core. This has been termed the illusion of universality or pluralistic ignorance (for a review, see O’Gorman 1986)

26 Aralık 2019 Perşembe

Honor culture and Health Psychology Research Ideas

1) Honor culture and elderly care: Do families from honor cultures (Turkey, Morocco, Afghans, Iraqies, tc.) have more supportive attitudes towards familial care for elderly members of their family?

Why is it important? Elderly health care is getting more and more expensive for the government, and the quality of elderly health care is going down as their less governmental money to be spent on gerontology. So, in times where there is no quality health care for elderly people, it is an asset to be willing and able to take care of the elderly members of your own family. In the future, families from non-honor communities can look for examples for how to take care of their elders from traditional collectivistic and honor cultures. This is a positive aspect of honor cultures.

El-Quade guy said Western people don't take care of their elderly and old people are suffering from loneliness

2) Honor culture and Reluctance to Seeking Healthcare: Endorsing feminine, family, and masculine honor norms may hinder women from seeking treatment for human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, and both women and men from seeking treatment/care for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Acknowlegment of mental disabilities (autism, asperger's) in honor cultures, big stigma.

Also in the case of STIs, it may matter whether the person notifies the person who transmitted them the STD - would the culture of the person who transmitted the STD, would you confront the person or not if the person who received the STD and the who transmitted it are both from an honor culture versus one honor and dignity culture?

3) Honor culture, gender, and taboo of ingroup members' dating of outgroup members

Why people from Turkish-Dutch communities dissapprove Turkish women dating/marrying Dutch men more than Turkish men dating/marrying Dutch women?